Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Tea-Keyboard

Today, I recently heard about the development of a new technology by Microsoft which I think it would be nice to share with others.

This new technology is called the Adaptive keyboard. The keyboard’s transparent keys have a liquid-crystal display underneath which enables the key tops to change depending on what program the users are using. It replaces the same old experiences for those working at a desk with keyboards and mice all day. Without the need to even touch the mice, this surely increases our productivity. Just have a look in the video below.

This prototype might have an impact on how we handle our information in the future i.e. everything becomes a shortcut and easily managed; you can have more than two languages displaying on the keyboard; people might be able to make their own personalized letters; and perhaps change the way other Microsoft office operate. Evolving just from a simple type writer into a computer and now an adaptive keyboard in just 30 years, who knows what will be next in 10 years, just wait and see.

(source: microsofthardwareblog)



  1. Hmmm. interesting development. I'm not sure if it fits well with the needs of the user, though? When I am using a PC, my visual focus is on the vertical plane (the screen), as opposed to the horizontal (keyboard). Having to move my focus from one to the other would be challenging, I suspect. I'm not convinced that this is an improvement over pointing devices (a mouse).

    What do others think?

  2. It is indeed a very cool innovation. But it would take me some times to learn how to use this new technology.

  3. True, it would definetly take some times before we get used to it...

    Maybe they can perhap combine it with laptop, in that way I think it should more appropriate. You don't need to carry your mouse plus, the touch-pad on laptops is annoying sometimes when you got to work in excel or draw a diagram.

    But yes, you still need mouse to play games and it is true that we focus on our screen more than keyboard, that's why we have touch screen for some navigator in many big stores, but for us, keyboard is still necessary to key in all the letters.

    Looking into the far future, I hope they will be able to develop something more specific to our needs, perhaps something like the cool hi-tech laser screen in many movies, no need for mouse and keyboard :)

  4. When are they gonna sell it? Really wanna get one!!

  5. Its an interesting concept, but as I am a touchtyper, I rarely look down at my keyboard. I think i would find it annoying to have to look between my keyboard and computer screen contantly.
